Donors & Sponsors

 We extend our sincerest gratitude to all of our individual donors and business sponsors.

Thank you for your contribution and dedication to the arts! 

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Advertising Sponsors

Business sponsors

grant support

Performance Underwriter - $10,000+

Bruce & Kimberlie Jodar

The Yellowstone Center

Buchanan Family Foundation

Performance sponsor - $5,000+


James Burke

Stephen Foster*

Vous Inspirez - $2,000+

Gilhousen Family Foundation

Michelle Kolodin - Berkshire Hathaway Bozeman*

Vous Créez - $1,000+


Doug & Jeanie Badenoch

Don & Signe Farris*

Meredith Farris

Lauri Moss

Thomas Scanlin

Chuck Watson

Wellness Montana

Vous Dansez - $500+

DeCou Sports Chiropractic

Little Star Diner

Spire Climbing Center

Steven & Lola Raska

Teresa & Redden Snyder

Allegro - 100+


Charles Beichman & Susie Burke

Melissa Cashman

Kristin Donald*

Kathy & Bailey Derby

Vickie and Adam Edelman

Danny Foerster

Taylor Gallagher

Molly Gordon

James & Kay Holmes*

Jean Hull 

Shelley Hunter

Hannah Jacobsma

Victoria & Ronald Levy*

Michele McKinnie

Susan Miller

Amy & JV Moody

Arnd Nelde

Jessica Philippe

Paul Segersten

Julie Russ

Candance & Kevin Ryan

Cecily Ryan

John and Suzanne Swietnicki

Dave & Rusty Swingle

Johanna Vanderlee*

Jeffrey and Jackie Vick

Jillian Wright*

Dr. Thomas Wright - Bozeman Podiatric*

Deborah Yarington

Pas de Bourrée - $50+

Bree Cummins

Kathryn Fruh

Rachel Hyams

Fern Jarmulnek

Amy Pratt 

Dona Sharpley

Katherine Shuy

Ann Swietnicki

Karen Tuohy

Cynthia Wrinkle

Demi Pointe - $20+

Jody Brandt*

Jesse Eide*

Marilyn Guggenheim*

Kelly Jacobsma*

Ashley McEnroe*

Jay Sinnott

Jana Staton

Annie Valle

Grand Plié - $10+

Dalayna Christenson

Katy Lee

Darcy Nordhagen

Kathrin Olson

Rebecka Pearson

Marciela Ross

Janalynn Wong

Demi Plié - $5+

Kathleen Lefstad

Thank you to our advertisers and community partners! 

Bend Beyond

Bozeman Hot Springs

Dakota Supply Group

Intermountain Opera Bozeman

Maven’s Market

MSU School of Music 

Oregon Maple Project

Pour Studio

Yellowstone Ballet Company